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Armin G. Wildfeuer
Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung: Heute gerecht leben. Impulse zu Ordnungskonzeptionen aus christlicher, orthodoxer und schiitischer Tradition, Wien, 19.-22. September 2016
Publication year: 2016

In modern times the natural law thinking has become increasingly in crisis. The orientation onto the order of natural law is replaced by an orientation to the autonomy of human being. Anyone who knows the history of philosophy, this change needs not to be surprised. You know, the idea of natural law presupposes a very specific type of metaphysics, which allows to construct a more or less strong relationship of divine order of God, the order of the world and the order of the human being as subject of reason. The connection between these three orders can be seen as the relationship between three types of reasons or rationalities which are more or less closely connected with each other and must be understood in relation to each other: I mean the connection between the absolute reason or rationality of God, the objective reason or rationality of the world which we call “nature” in a metaphysical sense, and the finite reason or rationality of the man. If we assume that the human being is free, then a certain tension between the divine order and human autonomy is virtually inevitable. During the history of ideas, the tension between theonomy and autonomy was resolved in different ways depending on the understanding of reason, which influences the understanding of absolute, objective and subjective reason and the connection between them, too. But, as we shall see, with the changing of the relation between and the modern understanding of the three rationalities of God, world and man, the natural law thinking loses its metaphysical fundaments.

I try to explain in form of a short history of ideas which philosophical developments in the background of the problem of the replacement of theonomy by autonomy in modern times lead to the rise and decline of the natural law thinking in the western world starting with an explanation of the correlation of reason and order.

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